Don Bosco Bal Mela Promotes Healthy Living and Fun-Filled Learning for Children

Kimrold D"Mello
26 Feb 2024
Margaret Bosco Bal Sadan Paliem
Bal Mela

Bal Mela at MBBS Paliem Goa

The air was filled with excitement and laughter as 280 children from various backgrounds gathered for a day of learning and fun at the annual Don Bosco Bal Mela, organized by Margaret Bosco Bal Sadan (MMBS), a child care institution at Paliem, Goa. The event aimed to empower young minds with valuable insights into physical and mental well-being under the theme, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life.

The day began with a unique session of musical yoga conducted by renowned instructor Sanket Rane. The rhythmic blend of music and yoga poses not only energized the participants but also provided them with valuable tools for maintaining a healthy mind.
Dr Tina engaged the young girls in informative sessions on healthy living, catering to different age groups to address their specific needs. These interactive sessions provided valuable insights into nutrition, hygiene, and overall well-being, empowering the girls to make informed lifestyle choices.

The festivities continued with a flurry of activities at the 12 game stalls set up for the children. From traditional games to modern challenges, the youngsters revelled in the spirit of friendly competition, showcasing their skills and winning exciting prizes. Additionally, a Jumpee Castle was set up for the kids, adding an extra layer of excitement and joy to the event. The Creativity stall was just buzzing with the kids getting their face painted, nails designed and hands painted. Some were learning to make flowers too.

As noon approached, the aroma of freshly prepared meals filled the air as lunch was served to all participants, ensuring they replenished their energy for the afternoon ahead.

The cultural program was the highlight of the day, featuring a diverse array of performances. MBBS students took to the stage with a thought-provoking street play centered around the theme of healthy living, delivering powerful messages in an engaging manner. Other NGOs contributed to the cultural extravaganza with mesmerizing dance performances and colourful folk dances, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Sanket Rane returned to the stage to animate a lively Zumba dance session, encouraging the children to move and groove to the beats, promoting physical fitness in a fun and interactive way.

As the day drew to a close, every child left the campus with a takeaway hamper filled with goodies, sweets, stationery, and other treats. The smiles on their faces were a testament to the success of the event, as they departed with cherished memories and newfound knowledge about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.
The Bal Mela concluded on a high note, leaving a lasting impact on the young participants with its blend of education, entertainment, and empowerment. The event served as a shining example of how collective efforts can make a positive difference in the lives of the next generation.

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